Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Story of Lilly

You may be wondering why Lilly is so spoiled and why she gets special treatment. Here is her story.

Lilly actually belonged to our neighbors. In August 2012, their dog (before being trained) got into the chicken yard and killed or injured several chickens, Lilly included. She was barely hanging on, and they thought it best to separate her from the other chickens so she could be nursed back to health. So she came to live in our back yard and Arizona room.

As the pictures indicate, a very large patch of skin was torn from her back and a smaller patch torn from the front of her neck. After a couple weeks, she began to perk up and her skin began to heal. We spent a lot of time with her, and she became a pet to us. Eventually, we introduced her to our chickens, and as they became acquainted she found her place in the pecking order. When the time came for Lilly to return home, we wouldn't let her go haha. She had already become accustomed to our yard as her home, and she had also settled into our group of chickens, so we stole her.

Lilly still has bare patches on both her back and neck but otherwise is doing fine. Lilly spends her days with the other chickens; however, she still thinks that the back yard is her home and every night jumps over the fence and comes to the Arizona room and sleeps on the freezer. She also comes inside the house to lay her eggs and to get a little snack. She loves peanut butter! She is truly spoiled and we love her!


  1. I love Lilly and her story of rescue and healing through love. Lilly is special, and although all your chickens have the greatest life, she truly is spoiled. Deservedly so. It makes me so happy to see her thriving and safe and bonded in this crazy way with you as well as living her happy chicken life with the other girls. I am so lucky to get to know Lilly, too.

  2. My comment disappeared! Lily is truly loved and I'm so glad she's in our family.
