Friday, July 25, 2014

Tagalong and Torty

After a period of adjustment and acquainting the tortoises to each other through a barrier, we have been letting them both roam free in the yard. Here was an interesting exchange I caught on film. I think Tagalong gets more aggressive when I am standing there. Torty can outrun him, though, so he gives up when she leaves.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Yesterday, the hawks suffered the catastrophic loss of all their eggs. There were very strong winds all day. The weather report stated sustained winds of 20-25 mph and gusts up to 50 mph. The tree was swaying and the branches were bouncing up and down all day. Some time in the late morning, the hawk eggs were tossed from the nest. As you can see, there is one egg at the edge of the nest stuck in the branches, but there was no way for her to retrieve it We are hoping it is early enough in the year to start the whole process again. Such a sad day!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fifth egg

I can't believe it, but Mama has laid 5 eggs now. Previously, she has only had 2 or 3 babies, so I'm anxious to see how this turns out.

Here's Mama taking a rest and then sitting on the eggs.

Here's Daddy sitting on the eggs. He has a harder time covering them up.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Third and fourth eggs

Mama laid a 3rd egg

and then a 4th egg

She is down to serious brooding of the eggs now. She just came back from having her dinner in this video. You can see her pick off some remaining food from her feet before she sits down.

Even Daddy is getting in on the action but not so carefully. I hope all the eggs survive.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Second egg

Mama Hawk laid her 2nd egg. Daddy has been around quite a bit. He is about 2/3 the size of the mama and never sits on the eggs, but he does guard them when she's gone.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

First egg

Mama Hawk finally laid her first egg today.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mama Hawk preparing nest

Mama Hawk has been busy for the last few days preparing her nest. We've even seen Daddy Hawk around a few times.

This little finch or sparrow thought it was safe to check out the hawk's nest. I guess she knew she was nothing but a light snack, haha.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

View from the camera

Here are just a few of the birds that have landed on top of the tower. Nice view from there I guess.

You just have to pause this one at the end to enjoy the view!