Friday, July 9, 2010

Horses and Goats

One of our neighbors is keeping their 4 horses and 1 goat on our property. They are very fun to watch, especially the goat who is quite friendly.

Shortly after the horses were moved over to the property, another neighbor and her 2 kids came over to look at them. We had gone into the house to talk for a while, and the little girl, Lizzy, came running in to tell us that one of the horses was pregnant. We told her that that wasn't the case, but she insisted that not only was one of the horses pregnant but was giving birth at that very moment and one leg was already out. I won't go into any more detail except to say that one of the horses is a male.


  1. Eew. Hilarious.

    Dorothy, why don't you get a goat!? I've been asking for a long time!
