Saturday, June 8, 2013

Baby hawks

Three baby hawks have hatched. Only one of them is visible in this picture as the white fuzzy blob in the nest.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lilly making herself at home

Last night, we were working outside and left the door open. When we came in, we found Lilly perched on the hutch for the night. We put her out, of course.

This morning when I got up to let Findlay out, Lilly was right at the door and raced inside. She went right to the hutch again. Just to see what would happen, I put a towel underneath her and waited. Sure enough, a couple hours later, she left us this gift and was equally anxious to go back outside.

Hmmm... probably won't let this become a habit for her, but it was interesting.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blizzard of 2013

The Blizzard of 2013. That's what the newspaper called it.

Here I am collecting the eggs. The chickens still laid their eggs despite the snow.

Every building had icicles, but I thought the chicken coop looked especially cool with them.

Here are the chickens having their breakfast and chicken scratch.

Don't think the solar panels are going to be collecting much sun like this.

Here is Lilly following her master out back to be with the other chickens.