Last night we had a huge rainstorm. It was accompanied by tremendous amounts of lightning and thunder. The storm must have been directly overhead. Findlay was sleeping inside our room as usual, but even being in the same room with us was not enough to keep him calm with all the noise. He kept walking around to Paul's side of the bed. I guess he had to get the real "alpha dog's" reassurance and not just mine. Eventually, I moved his dog bed right beside me so I could keep my hand on him, and every time there was a clap of thunder he would jerk his whole body. I had never seen him so scared before.
When we checked the rain gauge in the morning, we had gotten 2.9 inches of rain. You could see in the backyard that there had been rivers of water flowing from one side of the property to the other.
Our burn pit (which is about 2-1/2 feet deep) was completely full of water.
It looked like there were oil slicks on the water.
When we looked more closely, the oil slicks turned out to be thousands of little bugs floating on top of the water. We have no idea what they were.