I seem to be spending a lot of time (and money) at the veterinary hospital lately. The latest saga involves Goony.

Last Friday night Goony was in a fight. This is very unusual since he stays very close to home, and he has not been in a fight in years. We hear cats fighting pretty often at night, but this time we didn't hear anything. The picture above is what Goony looked like on Saturday morning. We could tell that his eye had been scratched and there was the blood on his forehead. He spent the day sleeping and pretty much keeping his eye shut.

By the next day, the eye was not getting any better. So being the kind of people we are, we decided to treat his eye ourselves instead of going to the vet. We did some reading online about eye infections and brewed up some concoctions. We were using boric acid drops and colloidal silver drops in the eye, and actually his eye got better over the next couple days.
The problem was that we didn't deal with the bite on his head. We could obviously see the puncture wound and scab, but it looked okay. Around Wednesday, though, it started to form an abscess. By Thursday, he had a rather large bump on the right side of his head that was full of pus. So this morning we took him to the vet.
The vet, a different one than the one who treated Chani, took a look at Goony and started pulling the scab off and pushing on his head and checking Goony all over. Goony was quite calm through the whole thing. Even when he pulled off the scab, though, the wound was still closed and wouldn't drain. Well, he started talking about how we could give Goony some antibiotics and eventually the body were absorb the pus. We explained about how we have an aversion to giving cats antibiotics since the incident with BD.
For those who don't know this story, Paul ended up in the emergency room with a hematoma in his arm when BD, our other cat, bit into his arm when he was trying to give her an antibiotic pill. The vet assured us that this would be in liquid form and have a good flavor. I wasn't getting a good feeling about the big lump in his head being able to be absorbed, and apparently the vet was rethinking that as well because after a few minutes he decided to open up the bite wound. Thankfully, he took Goony to the back room so we didn't have to watch.

A couple minutes later, Goony came back with a nice little hole in his head and no lump. The vet said it had drained 2 ounces of pus. Disgusting!!

This is Goony back home and recuperating. He was pretty wiped out by the whole ordeal of driving in the car and getting treated. He pretty much slept the whole day, but he is up and about this evening and feeling a lot better.